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applizieren to do appliqué
applizieren [Stoffmuster] to appliqué
appliziert appliqued
appliziertapplied [put on]
Applizierung {f} application
Appoggiatura {f}appoggiatura
Appolonienkraut {n} hog's-bean / hogbean [Hyoscyamus niger]
Appolonienkraut {n}(black) henbane [Hyoscyamus niger]
Apport! [Hundekommando] Fetch! [dog command]
apportieren to fetch [of a dog]
apportieren [Jagdhunde]to retrieve
Apportierhunde {pl} [Jagdhunde] retrievers [hunting dogs]
Apportierstock {m} fetch stick [for dogs]
Apposition {f}apposition
Apposition {f}appositive
appositional appositional
appositionell appositional
appositionelles Wachstum {n} appositional growth
Appositionsauge {n} apposition eye
appositiv appositive
Appräsentation {f} [bes. Husserl]appresentation
Apprehensibilität {f} [Begreifbarkeit] apprehendability
Apprehensionstest {m} apprehension test
Appressorium {n} appressorium
Appretbrecher {m} finish breaker
appretieren to glaze
Appretieren {n}finishing [of textiles, wood, paper etc.]
Appretieren {n} dressing
appretieren [z. B. Textilien]to dress [material, textiles]
Appretur {f} dressing
Appreturanstalt {f}finishing establishment [for cloth]
Appreturarbeiter {m} finisher
Appreturarbeiterin {f} finisher [female]
Appreturmittel {n} dressing
Appreturmittel {pl} finishing agents
Approbation {f} approbation
Approbation {f} medical license [Am.]
Approbation {f}medical licence [Br.]
Approbationen {pl} [schweiz.] [Freigabe, Zulassung]approvals
Approbationsordnung {f} (für Ärzte) <ÄAppO> medical licensure act [esp. Am.]
approbieren [österr., sonst veraltet] to approve
approbieren [österr., sonst veraltet]to approbate [chiefly Am.]
approbiert approbated
approbiert licensed [professionally]
approchieren [veraltet] [sich nähern] to approach
Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol {n} <AEP> appropriateness evaluation protocol <AEP> [Am.]
Appropriation {f} appropriation
approximal [zum Nachbarzahn hin] approximal
Approximalbereich {m} contact area
Approximalfläche {f}approximal surface
Approximalfläche {f} [der Zahnkrone] interproximal surface
Approximalkaries {f} approximal caries
Approximalkontakt {m} contact point
Approximalkontakt {m} point of proximal contact
Approximal-Plaque-Index {m} <API> [Mundhygieneindex]approximal plaque index <API>
Approximalraum {m}approximal space
Approximalraum-Plaque-Index {m} <API> [Mundhygieneindex] approximal space plaque index <API>
Approximant {m} approximant
Approximation {f} <Appr., Approx.> approximation
Approximationsalgorithmus {m}approximation algorithm
Approximationssatz {m} von DixmierDixmier approximation theorem [also: Dixmier's approximation theorem]
Approximationssatz {m} von Kronecker Kronecker approximation theorem [also: Kronecker's approximation theorem, approximation theorem of Kronecker]
Approximationssatz {m} von Weierstraß / Stone-Weierstraß Weierstrass / Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem
Approximationsschema {n} approximation scheme
Approximationstheorie {f} approximation theory
Approximationsverband {m} lattice of approximations
approximativ [annähernd, ungefähr]approximate <aprx., approx.>
approximativ [geh.] approximatively
approximativer Riemann-Löser {m}approximate Riemann solver <ARS>
Approximator {m} approximator
approximierbar approximable
Approximierbarkeit {f} approximability
approximierento approximate
approximierende Naht {f} [Chirurgie]apposition suture
Approximierung {f} approximation
Approximierungsrechnung {f} approximate computation
App-Store {m} [auch Appstore oder ugs. App Store] app store
Appstore {m} [Rsv.] [auch App-Store oder ugs. App Store] app store
Apraclonidin {n} apraclonidine [C9H10Cl2N4]
Apramycin {n}apramycin [C21H41N5O11]
Apraxie {f} apraxia
Apraxie {f} der Sprachwerkzeuge apraxia of speech <AOS>
apraxisch apraxic
Apremilast {n} apremilast [C22H24N2O7S]
Aprepitant {n} aprepitant [C23H21F7N4O3]
Après-Ski {n} après-ski
Après-Ski-Lokal {n} après-ski bar
apricot apricot-colored [Am.]
apricotapricot-coloured [Br.]
Aprikose {f}apricot
Aprikose {f} [Baum]apricot [tree] [Prunus armeniaca]
Aprikosen- apricot [attr.]
Aprikosen {pl}apricots
Aprikosenbaum {m}apricot tree
Aprikosenblüte {f} [einzelne Blüte] apricot blossom
Aprikosenblüte {f} [Saison]apricot blossom season
Aprikoseneis {n}apricot ice cream
« ApopaposApotAppeappeapplApriApsiAquaÄquaÄqui »
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